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Globalization of the economy, transnational bankruptcy cases, assertion of European law in the event of corporate insolvency
 since several years now, AGS has been anticipating the changes in its environment and the increased importance of European issues in its scope of activity.

Continue and strengthen our European exchanges

AGS initiated in 2005, an exchange procedure with its European counterparts: guarantee funds in Belgium, the UK, Spain, Germany, Austria and Luxembourg...

These exchanges are aimed at studying the process of receivership proceedings in the country and reviewing the respective competences of each institution in order to optimize the management methods of transnational bankruptcies.

AGS developed its exchanges, within the very core of European institutions, with the Court of Justice of the European Community and the European Commission to gain better knowledge of Community law.

Through these different interventions, AGS is more than ever attentive to a world in constant and rapid development. It taps into this world as a source of new ideas that can help it to hone the guarantee mechanisms both nationally and internationally while sharing with its foreign counterparts the exemplary nature of the French system.

Complete literature on the french system available into 5 languages

In order to strengthen these exchanges between European Union countries, the DUA has designed and edited an information document translated into English, Germany, Italian and Spanish, explaining the French wage guarantee system: origin and missions of the plan, organization, scope of the guarantee and ways of implementation (advances, recoveries, litigation).